I’m new!

You may be new to the area, new to the Christian faith or just looking to find out more.

We realise that coming along to a church for the first time can be somewhat daunting, so in this section of the website we’ve tried to include some practical information to make your visit as easy as possible.

If you’ve never visited before and are thinking of doing so, the best service to come along to is discover. This is our weekly Sunday service which is designed for all ages.

We begin at around 11.30am with a chance for chat and coffee in the back room, before discover starts at 11.45am.

For the first 15 minutes or so, we enjoy some singing, as well as the occasional quiz and memory verse.  Afterwards, we listen to a short talk from the Bible which will be finished by 12.30pm at the latest.

discover is normally led by one of our young men for the first part and they will hand over to a speaker at around 12pm.

We hope that you’ll join us to discover more from the Bible.